Write for Us

Generation Program is an online publication that focuses on medical health and Alzheimer’s Research. We have an ever-expanding audience of more than 20,000 healthcare providers reading our articles each month. Some of our biggest readers are Physicians, Nurses, Healthcare Executives, Social Workers, Staffing Companies, Insurance Providers, Discharge Planners, Home Care Givers, Human Resource Managers, Political Leaders, and Medical Students. They all rely on us to stay up-to-date with different matters regarding healthcare. This gives us a massive responsibility to provide evidence-based articles on different subjects within the field. That’s why we are always keen to accept all the professional help we can get.

Our Topics

Alzheimer’s Research is one of our key areas of focus. According to figures from the Alzheimer’s Association, the number of Alzheimer’s related deaths between 2000 and 2018 rose by a whopping 146%! Also, about 50% of primary caregivers believe that the healthcare industry is not ready for the spiking number of people who have Alzheimer’s and other kinds of Dementia. So, what can we do about it? One of the best ways of dealing with this looming crisis is through Research and the sharing of information. We partner with scientists to provide informative articles that primary care physicians can use to treat and handle Alzheimer’s and Dementia cases. We also give the physicians a platform to share some of their findings with professionals in other facilities and medical students.

Alzheimer’s Research is not our only focus, though. We also publish topics about addiction and rehabilitation. This is another area where some healthcare providers are seriously overwhelmed. It’s also something that our community is really struggling with. We provide vital information about opioid addiction, alcoholism, and other drug addiction issues. We work closely with rehabilitation professionals and centers to help addicts get the help they desperately need. We also provide healthcare professionals with a forum to share ideas on how to tackle new addiction-related issues. For instance, Mitragyna Speciosa – a relatively new kind of herb that’s sold as a dietary supplement and used for recreational and some unproven medicinal purposes – is causing dependence among some users. With the help of rehabilitation professionals, we publish articles on this and other similar herbs to help the first responders and primary caregivers learn how to deal with overdose and addiction cases before transferring the patients to rehab centers.

Another very interesting topic we cover at Generation Program is emerging medical trends like Social Media use among healthcare providers and institutions. Social Media is a major driving force in today’s market. With billions of active users on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and other platforms, we can use this tool to benefit both the caregivers and the public. For instance, healthcare providers can use social media to build professional networks with people from different corners of the world. This helps with the sharing of data and ideas on how to tackle different issues. Social media can also help healthcare brands like medical equipment manufacturers and insurance providers build good brand trust. Millennials spend more time on social media than they do watching the news. Therefore, institutions and physicians can use social media platforms to raise awareness of vital issues like healthy living, combat misinformation, and provide quick communication. We have already seen this in action during the Covid-19 pandemic, where the CDC and WHO led other healthcare institutions to curb misinformation about the pandemic and share vital information about the spread of the disease with the public in real-time. Policy Makers can also work with Social Media Influencers to use polls in getting some public engagement and opinions on important subjects.

In addition to the above topics, Generation Program also writes about Men’s Health, Women’s Health, Pediatrics, Home Care, Healthcare Marketing and Communication, Leadership, Medical Systems and Coding, Medical Malpractices, Legal Representation, Nursing, Prosthetics, IT Solutions, Cardiology, Mental Health, Education, Healthcare Legislation, Eldercare, Senior Living, Physical Therapy, Consulting and Outsourcing, Research Developments, Technology, Healthcare Real Estate, Telemedicine, Special Needs Services, Cancer Care, and Social Media Strategies.

If you are involved in the healthcare industry in any way, then you can benefit hugely from working with use. You can sponsor an article or advertise with us. You can send your press release, sponsored post, or a byline article to this email address. You can also contact Frank, our Chief Researcher, and Editor at this email address.

Submission Guideline

To ensure our readers are getting quality and reliable information, we’ve set up some guidelines that must be followed for all bylined articles. These are:

  • Send your articles in Pages or Word documents. We don’t need to give our editor’s more work than is necessary because they’re already overwhelmed as it is. So, we encourage you to send them in Word or Pages documents. Also, write your articles in third-person. There are a few exceptions, though, e.g., we will accept a first-person piece if it is an opinion article. However, you will need approval from our editors to write such an article. Feel free to contact our editors if you have an opinion article you want us to publish.
  • Healthcare articles should not exceed 1500 words. We encourage our contributors to try as much as possible and squeeze all the information they have about the subject they are discussing in 1500 words or less. Therefore, it’s best to go direct to the point and not waste too much time on unnecessary or irrelevant information. Keep the article educative and let the readers know the specific topic that you want to discuss as soon as possible.
  • Suggest a title for the article. It’s your piece of work, so you know what title resonates best with the subject in question. Once in a while, we may edit the title slightly for one reason or another, but in most cases, we publish the articles with the original title that was suggested by the author. You should also add a brief author’s byline.
  • Each article should have the author’s byline. An author has to take credit for his or her work, so be sure to include a name. In addition to the name, we’d like a two-line biography about the author. This should help the readers know a bit more about the author, qualifications, and profession. We’ll also like you to include the organization where the author works. Finally, include a digital picture of the author. We love to put a face on a good piece of work!
  • Instead of the author’s photo, you can send a picture related to the topic discussed along with a cutline. This picture should be 300 dpi. We prefer the author’s digital photo, though.
  • All references should be included in the article, so don’t add endnotes or footnotes.
  • Generation Program editors have the right not to publish your article after you’ve submitted it and it has been reviewed.

In addition to bylined articles and sponsored posts, you can also take advantage of the ever-increasing Generation Program’s healthcare community to circulate information regarding meetings, conferences, and other events. Of course, they have to be healthcare-related events. Just contact us with details about the function like what it’s about, name of the event, contact details, date, and location. We will publish these details on our website and share them on our social media pages. Information about your event will echo through the healthcare community right away, and we’re confident that you will see the reaction you want.

Generation program also publishes press releases for healthcare facilities, learning institutions, research centers, and other businesses involved in delivering healthcare services. We can publish information about promotions, new hires, new facilities, breaking news, and any other news-worthy occurrence that you are glad to share with the rest of the healthcare community. Send us an email with details about the press release, and we will take care of the rest. You should include a relevant photo on the press release, e.g., if you have elected a new president or CEO, share their photo with us so we can include it in the publication.

Kindly note that we only share and publish press releases related to the healthcare industry only.

Generation Program Social Media Connections

Generation Program has a growing online community full of physicians, nurses, medical students, healthcare executives, social workers, and other professionals. We can help you get the word out there about your brand or any other news you have as soon as it happens. We have an active Facebook page, Twitter feed, and LinkedIn.

We encourage you to follow our pages and be part of this community. This is the place where professionals meet, exchange ideas, motivate, and help each other out. Remember, the healthcare field is too challenging to face it alone. It would help if you had partners and friends by your side, and this is precisely what we are offering you.